What is the main industry that use circular sawing machine? |
Circular sawing machine can be applied on many filed, such as forging, bearing, automobile parts etc. |
Who will be the potential customer with circular sawing machine? |
Companies who are requiring heavy duty, fast, 24/7 cutting; Kentai’s Circular Sawing Machine required less man power guarding the machine and provided more efficient cutting that will significant increase the cutting volume. |
Do you have nonferrous circular sawing machine? |
Yes, we do have nonferrous circular sawing machine which supporting cutting with aluminum, brass and copper. |
What is the product line and biggest capacity of Kentai’s Circular Sawing Machine? |
We have variety cutting capacity, smallest capacity of the machine is from 15-70/85mm(KTC-70EH), and biggest capacity is up to 260mm(KTC-260SPC) |
Is the machine semi-automatic or fully automatic? |
The circular sawing machines are fully automatic and able to work 24/7. |
Can I load the material in bundle? |
Yes, we have option choice with bundle loader; customer can load the material in bundle. (not applied with KTC-230/260SPC) |
What is the maximum feeding per time? |
Our feeding system (GFC) is able to feed 800mm (from KTC-70EH to KTC-200SP), feed 450mm (KTC-230/260SPC) Support multiple feeding up to 999 times. |
Can I monitor/connect connect the machine with my computer? |
Yes, it is possible, one of our newly feature is allowing our user to connect/monitoring machine from distance when there is internet signal. |